If I were the Prime Minister of My Country

Politics has vastly changed from the day it began to serve for the people and help them for a better living. Nowadays politics is more of earning and blame game between the ruling and the opposition parties. In countries like India where the Prime Minister has the most important part to play in the nation’s development, they have really not shown major interest in the betterment of people.

Yes, they bring in plans and actions which, most of the time is just an excuse to buy more time to stay in power. While there are many things that people are dire need like healthcare, security, and education, larger focus is given towards the elite class, than the masses who need the assistance of the government.

We as responsible citizens, or at least a citizen of our country know our requirements and expect the government to sort it out as a priority.

What do you expect from your Prime Minister? What reforms would you like to be made and in what sector of life? What changes would you primarily focus on if you were the Prime Minister of your Country?

Let me know your thoughts and your needs in the comments.